This article was previously published on Retail TouchPoints. While Alibaba followed the now well-established playbook for these events — new product...
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Alicia Esposito
Alicia Esposito's Recent Articles
Walmart Marketplace Adds Categories, Enhances Fulfillment Offerings for Sellers
Walmart Marketplace will add three popular categories to its assortment and expand fulfillment offerings for sellers, including a multichannel...
Etsy Enhances Search Experience to Prioritize ‘High-Quality’ Sellers
Etsy has made major advancements to its search and discovery experience, aiming to favor high-quality items from sellers “who consistently provide...
How Done & Done Home’s Mother-Daughter Duo is Building an Organized Empire
Kate Pawlowski has always been close with her mom, Ann Lightfoot. Even in her teenage years, when slamming doors and instigating screaming matches...
WooCommerce Updates Roadmap, Focuses on Site Customization
WooCommerce, the open-source commerce solution built on WordPress, has provided new updates to its product roadmap, including an emphasis on...
How One Florida Couple Became Online Resale Royalty
This article was originally published on Retail TouchPoints. Jon Anthony and Brad Schwibner are a married couple based in Florida, but these days...
Bulletin Launches Shopify Integration for Brands Bolstering their Wholesale Business
Bulletin, an online wholesale marketplace that connects small and medium-sized brands and retailers, has launched its Shopify sales channel app to...
The State of Small Business: Challenges, Opportunities and Priorities
Small businesses employ about half of the U.S. workforce and represent nearly 44% of America's GDP. That means the overall sentiment of today’s...
Want to Ride the Prime Day Wave? Marketing and Advertising Experts Share Tips
Over the past 10 years, Prime Day has become a critical sales event for brands, especially for the countless small and medium-sized sellers that...
Small Business Momentum Picks Up, Sales Grow 3.5% Year Over Year
Consumer spending is changing rapidly, largely due to economic uncertainty. But that hasn't stopped small businesses from seeing a 3.5% boost in...